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Sophiya: A Ukrainian Puppet

I was commissioned to make a Ukrainian puppet by Global Grooves and while I was researching I came across a young girl's face, she was called Sophiya and was missing at the time. She sadly died later in a car on a humanitarian corridor out of Ukraine.

I felt like I wanted to reimagine her life as a gentle Ukrainian girl stepping out in her traditional best. And I wanted to celebrate hope and innocence in the face of war.

The belt is machine embroidered in silk threads from a painting by the fabulous artist Maria Prymachenko. And the silk batik skirt was designed, combining and interpreting her images. The headdress is based on a traditional Ukrainian crown design using wheat and sunflowers showing the agricultural strength of Ukraine. The shirt is based on traditional design and the lovely Ukrainian sleeve fabric was donated by a Polish member of my family.

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I had the help of some great volunteers and emerging artists from The Vale to create her necklace, hair and headdress. Thanks to Global Grooves for the commission, Cabasa for managing the batiking of the skirt, Vicky Richards for embroidering the beland Routes to Work.

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